Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yes, Easter is over, but we had a great time. Being so busy with all our craft projects, we didn't get to our egg dying till Easter morning! We bought the traditional dying kit and Joel drilled and blew out all our eggs for us. We love to display our dyed eggs every year, so this way we can keep them. Our favorite craft project this year had to be our decoupaged eggs. They were so easy to make and came out really pretty. All it took was plastic eggs, Mod Podge, glitter and some scrap material.

I also tried needle felting and made this baby chick.

Made some homely-looking pom-pom chicks,

and painted some clay pots and added glitter to them

We also recovered our golf cart seat. The vinyl is very hot and sticky in the summer, so I found some outdoor material on clearance at JoAnn's and voila, it's like a new ride!


  1. Pretty impressive! I don't know what I like best, the eggs, the chick, or the golf cart. It's a tough one but I really, really need a chick! I'll have to try that felting out one of these days. If I start now, my project might be done for next Easter.

  2. Nice! I LOVE those eggs! And the golf cart! tell Casey and Chloe hi for me!
